Corporate Sponsors and Foundation Donors
The August Wilson African American Cultural Center (AWAACC) would like to THANK its institutional giving supporters—from FREE admission, AWCommunity Days, to camp scholarships, to the underwriting of August Wilson: The Writer’s Landscape, their generosity makes our work possible. THANK YOU for supporting our mission.
Corporate Sponsors and Foundation Donors
- Hillman Foundation and Henry L. Hillman Foundation†
- Richard King Mellon Foundation
- Heinz Endowments* ‡
- Ford Foundation†‡
- Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD)†
- Doris Duke Charitable Foundation
- BNY Mellon Foundation‡
- Citizens
- Comcast*
- UPMC and UPMC Health Plan*
- The Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation
- Highmark Health*
- Pittsburgh Penguins*
- Pittsburgh Steelers*
- PPG Foundation*
- PNC Charitable Trusts
- Advanced Auto*
- P&W Automotives*
- Mid-Atlantic Arts
- Universal Music Group-Taskforce for Meaningful Change
- Rivers Casino*
- The Irick Group-Merrill Private Wealth Management*
- First National Bank
- Gateway Health*
- Beacon Community*
- K&L Gates*
- University of Pittsburgh Library*
- The Advanced Leadership Institute*
The AWAACC wishes to acknowledge main underwriters of The August Wilson: The Writer’s Landscape, Hillman Foundation and Henry L. Hillman Foundation, and supporting funders of the exhibit and its maintenance, Allegheny Regional Asset District (RAD), and BNY Mellon Foundation. The August Wilson African American Cultural Center (AWAACC) is proud to be recognized as one of †Pittsburgh’s Cultural Treasures, funding associated with this recognition supports many of the Center’s operations and programs.
*Supporter of the Take Center Stage Gala. †Funder of the August Wilson: The Writer’s Landscape.
‡Funder of the Pittsburgh Cultural Treasures Initiative, a collaborative effort of the Ford Foundation, the POISE Foundation, and the Heinz Endowments.
Special Thanks to Our Partner Sponsors
- ADDA Coffee
- Uncle Nearest Whiskey (Exclusive Whiskey Sponsor of the AWAACC)
- University of Pittsburgh